******************************************** * KeY Byte Code Installation * * Version 0.99.1 * ******************************************** (1) Requirements: ------------------------------------- Operating Systems: Linux/Unix Windows NT, 2000 or XP Java 2 SDK, Version 1.4.x or newer (already installed) For optional UML/OCL support: Together Control Center, Version 6.2 (already installed) Needed additional Libraries: antlr.jar Version >= 2.7.2: parser generator dresden-ocl-demo.jar: ocl parser xerces.jar version 1.4.4: used by tudresden.jar recoder.jar version 0.73KeY: a transformation framework for java patched by KeY jargs.jar log4j.jar Optionally, KeY can make use of the following binaries: ESC Java's decision procedure `Simplify´ Grammatical Framework (2) Contents of the KeY-Distribution ------------------------------------- At the KeY-Homepage you can find the following parts: * README-xxx.txt: this file * KeY-xxx.tgz: the KeY-system in the jar-file version. That is the distribution version without the source code. * KeYExtLib_xxx.tgz: contains the external libraries (see above) * quicktour_xxx.ps.gz: a short tutorial * KeYDemo_xxx.tgz: example for KeY used in the tutorial (3) Installation (Byte Code) ------------------------------------- 1) Copy the KeY.tgz to a temporary directory; Here: tmp/ 2) Unpack KeY.tgz Linux: tar -xzvf KeY-xxx.tgz Windows ( use your favorite unpack program that can handle tar-gzipped archives , e.g. WinZip) 3) The following files should be found in the directory (tmp/): setup.jar key.jar LICENSE.TXT 4) Change to tmp/ and start installation wizard: java -jar setup.jar ( or (depends on platform): double-click on setup.jar ) 5) Follow the instructions of the wizard. 6) (This step is only necessary if you want to make use of the authoring tool Grammatical Framework and/or the decision procedure Simplify.) If you download Simplify not from the KeY-website but elsewhere e.g. directly from Compaq (as part of ESC/Java) follow the intallation instructions given there. Then rename the Simplify binary which could be named something like Simplify Simplify-1.5.4.linux (Linux version) or Simplify-1.5.4.exe (Windows) to just 'Simplify' resp. 'Simplify.exe'. When using Linux make sure that the file is is executable (you can make a file executable by issuing the command 'chmod a+x filename'). Make sure that the path where the binaries `Simplify´ and `gf´ (Grammatical Framework) reside is included in your PATH environment variable. If not, use (e.g., in the csh to include Simplify which is assumed to be located in ~/simplify): setenv PATH ~/simplify:$PATH In bash-syntax the above command is export PATH=$PATH:~/simplify (4) Start KeY ------------------------------- Change to the chosen installation directory Go to subdirectory bin and run 'startkey' (Windows: 'startkey.bat') If you want to start the standalone prover (JavaDL or JML front-end) without Together, run 'startProver' (Windows: 'startProver.bat') instead. ------------------------------- If you encounter problems please send a message to support@key-project.org