4th KeY Symposium 2005

June, 8th - 10th

This symposium continues a series of workshops held in Königswinter (2004), Bad Herrenalb (2003) and Gothenburg (2002). Like these previous meetings, the KeY Symposium 2005 brings together all the researchers who work on or have a serious interest in the KeY approach to integrating formal methods into software engineering.

The latest achievements concerning KeY related research and the KeY Tool will be presented. Moreover, we will exchange current ideas, discuss the next steps and milestones, as well as future directions in general.


  • Tuesday, June 7th, Arrival to Gothenburg
  • Wednesday, June 8th, Arrival to Lökeberg, talks, boat ride
  • Thursday, June 9th, Talks
  • Friday, June 10th, Internal discussion, departure

Pictures & Slides

Detailed programme

Social Activities


Lökeberg Konferenshotell (35 km from Gothenburg)

Participants and Talks

About 35 participants from Sweden, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland.

List of participants

Previous KeY Workshops


Intranet page for the Workshop
