6th KeY Symposium 2007

June, 14th - 16th

This symposium is the sixths in a series of workshops held in Speyer (2006), Lökeberg (2005), Königswinter (2004), Bad Herrenalb (2003) and Gothenburg (2002).

The KeY Symposium brings together all the researchers, who work on or have a serious interest in the KeY approach to integrate formal methods into software engineering.

The latest achievements concerning KeY related research and the KeY Tool will be presented. Moreover, we will exchange current ideas, discuss the next steps and milestones, as well as future directions in general.

Participation is by invitation only.


  • Arrival on Wednesday, 13th June
  • Thursday, 14th June
  • Friday, 15th June
  • Saturday, 16th June (half day)

Detailed programme.

NEW: Talk slides.

NEW: Images 1 / Images 2.

Location / How to Get There

The KeY Symposium 2007 takes place in Nomborn in Eisenbachtal, one of the most scenic valleys of the Westerwald. The accommodation is in Hotel Studentenmühle. Travel directions.

Participants and Talks

About 30 participants from Germany, Sweden, Ireland, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.

Previous KeY Workshops

