author = {Wolfgang Ahrendt and Thomas Baar and Bernhard Beckert
and Martin Giese and Elmar Habermalz and Reiner
H\"ahnle and Wolfram Menzel and Peter H. Schmitt},
title = {The {\KeY} Approach: {I}ntegrating Object Oriented
Design and Formal Verification},
booktitle = {4th Workshop on Tools for System Design and
Verification ({FM-TOOLS} 2000)},
venue = {Reisensburg, Germany},
editor = {G. Schellhorn and W. Reif},
pages = {173--178},
publisher = {Universit\"at Ulm, Fakult\"at f\"ur Informatik},
series = {Ulmer Informatik Berichte Nr.~2000-07},
year = {2000}