
Name Room Building Phone Email
Beckert, Bernhard 224 50.34 + 49 721 608-44025 beckertSau2∂kit edu
Office Management
Name Room Building Phone Email
223 50.34 + 49 721 608-44023 simone meinhartThg5∂kit edu
Name Room Building Phone Email
1.1.27 FZI Headq. + 49 721 9654-670 j bachmeierRjb4∂fzi de
203 50.34 + 49 721 608-45252 philipp kernFlc1∂kit edu
228 50.34 + 49 721 608-45648 kirstenFlc1∂kit edu
1.1.27 FZI Headq. + 49 721 9654-648 klamrothRjb4∂fzi de
227 50.34 + 49 721 608-43856 lanzingerRjb4∂kit edu
202 50.34 + 49 721 608-44024 debasmita loharRjb4∂kit edu
202 50.34 + 49 721 608-44024 romain pascualRjb4∂kit edu
228 50.34 + 49 721 608-45648 wolfram pfeiferRjb4∂kit edu
226 50.34 + 49 721 608-47318 jonas schifflRjb4∂kit edu
203 50.34 + 49 721 608-45252 teuberFlc1∂kit edu
229 50.34 + 49 721 608-44338 ulbrichRjb4∂kit edu
225 50.34 + 49 721 608-44324 weiglRjb4∂kit edu
System Administration
Name Room Building Phone Email
Kölmel, Ralf 331 50.34 + 49 721 608-43949 ralf koelmelRjb4∂
Name Room Building Phone Email
310 50.34 + 49 721 608-44000 peter schmittRjb4∂
Name Affiliation Email
Center for Research and Advance Engineering, Robert Bosch GmbH
DB Systel GmbH
SAP Deutschland SE & Co. KG
wizAI Solutions GmbH
Robert Bosch GmbH
aicas GmbH
The Federal Archives
SAP Deutschland SE & Co. KG mihai herdaHqy9∂posteo de
Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy lionel blatterHqy9∂mpi-sp org
Computing Education Group, KIT Institute of Theoretical Informatics (ITI) vielsackRjsdafsafb4∂kit edu