Optimized Symbolic Interval Propagation for Neural Network Verification

Reviewed Paper In Proceedings

Author(s):Philipp Kern, Marko Kleine Büning, and Carsten Sinz
In:1st Workshop on Formal Verification of Machine Learning (WFVML 2022) colocated with ICML 2022: International Conference on Machine Learning


  author    = {Philipp Kern and
               Marko Kleine B{\"{u}}ning and
               Carsten Sinz},
  title     = {Optimized Symbolic Interval Propagation for Neural
               Network Verification},
  booktitle = {1st Workshop on Formal Verification of Machine
               Learning ({WFVML} 2022) colocated
               with {ICML} 2022: International Conference on
               Machine Learning},
  year      = {2022},
  month     = jul,
  venue     = {Baltimore, Maryland, USA},
  eventdate = {2022-07-22/2022-07-22}