Problemorientierte, forschungsorientierte und interdisziplinäre Lehre in der Informatik

Audiovisuelle Aufzeichnung

Autor(en):Michael Kirsten, Robert Bauer, Andreas Fried, Bernhard Beckert, Michael Beigl, Gregor Snelting und Martina Zitterbart
Veröffentlichung:Campustage 2020 „Lehre^Forschung-PLUS“


Within this workshop, we present problem-oriented, research-oriented and interdisciplinary formats in the master's program of computer science, which includes short interviews with students who participated in the presented formats. Our presentations include the problem-oriented course "Praxis der Softwareentwicklung" (software engineering practice) in the bachelor's program, where students develop software for current research projects. Moreover, we report about the course "Praxis der Forschung" (research project) in the master's program, where students work on their own research project already within the course of their master studies and get the chance to publish their results at the end of the course. Furthermore, we report from recent efforts to integrate "Praxis der Forschung" directly within already existing lectures in the master's program. Finally, we report about the introduction of so-called study profiles ("Studienprofile") within the master's program, that permit to embed a student's choice of subjects within the course of their master studies in an interdisciplinary profile.


  title        = {Problemorientierte, forschungsorientierte und interdisziplinäre
                  Lehre in der Informatik},
  author       = {Michael Kirsten and
                  Robert Bauer and
                  Andreas Fried and
                  Bernhard Beckert and
                  Michael Beigl and
                  Gregor Snelting and
                  Martina Zitterbart},
  editor       = {{KIT-Teilprojekte Lehre^Forschung PLUS in Zusammenarbeit mit
                   den Organisator:innen der Campustage 2020}},
  year         = {2020},
  abstract     = {Within this workshop, we present problem-oriented,
                  research-oriented and interdisciplinary formats in the
                  master's program of computer science, which includes short
                  interviews with students who participated in the presented
                  formats. Our presentations include the problem-oriented
                  course "Praxis der Softwareentwicklung" (software engineering
                  practice) in the bachelor's program, where students develop
                  software for current research projects. Moreover, we report
                  about the course "Praxis der Forschung" (research project) in
                  the master's program, where students work on their own
                  research project already within the course of their master
                  studies and get the chance to publish their results at the
                  end of the course. Furthermore, we report from recent efforts
                  to integrate "Praxis der Forschung" directly within already
                  existing lectures in the master's program. Finally, we report
                  about the introduction of so-called study profiles
                  ("Studienprofile") within the master's program, that permit
                  to embed a student's choice of subjects within the course of
                  their master studies in an interdisciplinary profile.},
  month        = oct,
  eventdate    = {2020-10-16/2020-10-16},
  urldate      = {October 28},
  organization = {Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)},
  doi          = {10.5445/IR/1000125380},
  venue        = {Karlsruhe, Germany},
  howpublished = {Campustage 2020 „Lehre^Forschung-PLUS“},
  language     = {German}