Proving Memory Separation in a Microkernel by Code Level Verification

Reviewed Paper In Proceedings

Author(s):Christoph Baumann, Holger Blasum, Thorsten Bormer, and Sergey Tverdyshev
In:1st International Workshop on Architectures and Applications for Mixed-Criticality Systems (AMICS 2011)
Publisher:IEEE Computer Society


@InProceedings{ BaumannBlasumBormerTverdyshev2011,
  author = {Christoph Baumann and Holger Blasum and Thorsten Bormer and Sergey Tverdyshev},
  title = {Proving Memory Separation in a Microkernel by Code Level Verification},
  year = {2011},
  month = apr,
  address = {Newport Beach, CA, USA},
  booktitle = {1st International Workshop on Architectures and Applications for Mixed-Criticality Systems (AMICS 2011)},
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  editor = {Wilfried Steiner and Roman Obermaisser}