Non-Interference with What-Declassification in Component-Based Systems

Technical Report

Author(s):Daniel Grahl and Simon Greiner
Institution:Department of Informatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Series:Karlsruhe Reports in Informatics


Component-based design is a method for modular design of systems. The structure of component-based systems follows specific rules and single components make assumptions on the environment that they run in. In this paper, we provide a noninterference property for component-based systems that allows for a precise specification of what-declassification of information and takes assumptions on the environment into consideration in order to allow a modular, precise and re-usable information-flow analysis. For precise analysis, components can be analyzed by separately analysing services provided by a component, and from our compositionality theorem non-interference of components follows.


  author	= {Daniel Grahl and Simon Greiner},
  title		= {Non-Interference with What-Declassification in
		   Component-Based Systems},
  year		= 2015,
  month		= nov,
  institution	= {Department of Informatics, Karlsruhe Institute of
  number	= {2015,10},
  series	= {Karlsruhe Reports in Informatics},
  url		= {},
  urn		= {urn:nbn:de:swb:90-504229},
  issn		= {2190-4782},
  language	= {english},
  license	= {},
  abstract	= {Component-based design is a method for modular design of
		   systems. The structure of component-based systems follows
		   specific rules and single components make assumptions on
		   the environment that they run in. In this paper, we provide
		   a noninterference property for component-based systems that
		   allows for a precise specification of what-declassification
		   of information and takes assumptions on the environment
		   into consideration in order to allow a modular, precise and
		   re-usable information-flow analysis. For precise analysis,
		   components can be analyzed by separately analysing services
		   provided by a component, and from our compositionality
		   theorem non-interference of components follows.}