Trust Through Explainability in Verifiable Online Voting Systems
Project Description
Since the beginning of the pandemic, online voting systems have been increasingly discussed and used in secret elections and polls. On the one hand, the question is raised as to the technical and organizational trustworthiness of the systems used (i.e., how the security of these systems is assessed in the course of an evaluation of their properties) and, on the other hand, as to how the voters’ trust in these systems (and ultimately the outcome) is influenced and what role explainability plays in this context (i.e., to what extent voters understand the functionality and/or properties). To this end, we will analyze the academic literature and, where appropriate, political-medial discourse in the following contexts:
- studies on voter trust in online elections;
- statements on trustworthiness in the security context (properties/assumptions as well as methods, e.g., cryptographic proofs, formal methods, user studies) in general, but especially in the context of online elections;
- relationship between different forms of explainability and trust in systems;
- current discussions and approaches to the conceptualization of trust with regard to institutions, actors, citizens, and technology as a category also for the design and governance of technology fields, here using the example of online elections.
The goals of this project are a networking of the two topics Engineering Secure Systems and Knowledge for Action in the Helmholtz program Engineering Digital Futures (within the research field information) as well as an impulse for special research questions in the context of technical-organizational trustworthiness and influences on trust in online voting systems, particularly concerning the role of explainability.
Name | Title | Phone | Institution | |
Melanie Volkamer | Prof. Dr. | +49 721 608-45045 | melanie.volkamer796609542Xfd4∂ | AIFB |
Bernhard Beckert | Prof. Dr. | +49 721 608-44025 | beckert951987248Xfd4∂ | KASTEL |
Linda Nierling | Dr. | +49 721 608-22509 | linda.nierling1527066221Xfd4∂ | ITAS |
Name | Title | Phone | Institution | |
Reinhard Heil | M.A. | +49 721 608-26815 | reinhard.heil267012593Xfd4∂ | ITAS |
Michael Kirsten | Dr. | +49 721 608-45648 | kirsten409527482Xfd4∂ | KASTEL |
Jascha Bareis | M.A. | +49 721 608-24616 | jascha.bareis346799749Xfd4∂ | ITAS |
Name | Title | Phone | Institution | |
Armin Grunwald | Prof. Dr. | +49 721 608-22500 | armin.grunwald1076317094Xfd4∂ | ITAS |
Torsten Fleischer | Dipl.-Phys. | +49 721 608-24571 | torsten.fleischer101537892Xfd4∂ | ITAS |
Title | Speaker | Date |
Kick-Off Meeting for the Launch of the Project | Project members and investigators | March 09, 2022 |
Talk on Usability and Security of Verifiable Online-Voting Systems | Prof. Dr. Melanie Volkamer | April 27, 2022 |
Talk on Formal Verification of Voting Systems | Dr. Michael Kirsten | May 11, 2022 |
Talk on the Sociotechnical Construction of Trust (and Distrust) in Internet Voting | Prof. Ph.D. David Dueñas-Cid | May 25, 2022 |
Talk on Trust | Reinhard Heil | June 01, 2022 |
Talk on Explanations and Explainability | Reinhard Heil | June 29, 2022 |
Project Workshop with International Participation | Project members, investigators, and guest Prof. Dr. Oksana Kulyk | July 15, 2022 |
Civil Dialogue on Online Elections: Blessing or Curse for Democracy? | Dr. Michael Kirsten, Jascha Bareis, and Reinhard Heil | September 15/16, 2022 |
Why is Online Voting Still Largely a Black Box? First International Workshop on Election Infrastructure Security (EIS 2022) in conjunction with ESORICS 2022: European Symposium on Research in Computer Security |