Lehre hoch Forschung – Problem-oriented Teaching
The main goal of the project "Lehre hoch Forschung" is to improve the study conditions and the qualitiy of teaching, as well as the early integration of research topics into the bachelor- and master programme.
Moreover, “Lehre hoch Forschung” is aimed at offering a wide scope of prospective problem-oriented and research-oriented practical courses and projects to students already during their early semesters. The students gain insights into aspects relevant to fundamental and applied research, as well as inter- and trans-disciplinary competences.
Research Practice (PdF) in the master curriculum
The objective for the master programme in computer science is to establish and to coordinate the master module "Research Project". In this module, each student works on a research project for one year and experiences all research phases of this project. From literature research to planning and writing a project proposal, including performing research in the scope of the project and writing a publication in order to publish their results. The programme is very successful so far: Since its start, a number of papers partially or fully covering the student research projects have been successfully published.
Software Engineering Practice (PSE) in the bachelor curriculum
The objective for the bachelor programme in computer science is to establish and develop the project-oriented course "Software Engineering Practice". Students participating in the course "Software Engineering Practice" learn to perform a full software project according to the state of software engineering in a team of 5 to 6 participants. Particular goals are the practical application of procedures from software design and quality assurance, the realization of implementation competence, and the collaborative cooperation in teams.
More information on "Lehre hoch Forschung"
(Press Release)
More information on the master module "Research Practice"
More information on the bachelor module
"Software Engineering Practice"
Name | Title | Phone | Institute | |
Bernhard Beckert | Prof. Dr. | +49 721 608-44025 | beckert324047678Xfd4∂kit.edu | Theoretical Informatics (ITI) |
Michael Beigl | Prof. Dr. | +49 721 608-41700 | michael.beigl641828341Xfd4∂kit.edu | Telematics (TM) |
Ralf Reussner | Prof. Dr. | +49 721 608-45993 | reussner1437683190Xfd4∂kit.edu | Program Structures and Data Organization (IPD) |
Gregor Snelting | Prof. Dr.-Ing. | +49 721 608-48350 | gregor.snelting945909844Xfd4∂kit.edu | Program Structures and Data Organization (IPD) |
Matthias Budde | +49 721 608-41705 | matthias.budde1843927145Xfd4∂kit.edu | Telematics (TM) | |
Sarah Grebing | +49 721 608-45253 | sarah.grebing635671602Xfd4∂kit.edu | Theoretical Informatics (ITI) | |
Michael Kirsten | +49 721 608-45648 | kirsten186487906Xfd4∂kit.edu | Theoretical Informatics (ITI) |
More on the idea and conceptual design of the master module Research Practice can be found in the following publication:
Problemorientierte, forschungsorientierte und interdisziplinäre Lehre in der Informatik Campustage 2020 „Lehre^Forschung-PLUS“ |
Praxis der Forschung: Eine Lehrveranstaltung des forschungsnahen Lehrens und Lernens in der Informatik am KIT Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre 74, Volume A: Lehren und Lernen, Part 3: Neue Lehr- und Lernkonzepte |