Lehre hoch Forschung-PLUS
Problem-oriented, Research-oriented and Interdisciplinary Teaching
in Computer Science
LehreForschung had a significant and leading influence on the development of the guiding principle of KIT regarding teaching and curricula. It contributed to the successful installation of a system-accredited process for the quality development of the KIT-curricula. The study and learning formats which immediately emerged from the project achieve a high acceptance among the students and have already been permanently integrated in individual study programmes.
The main goal of the project LehreForschung-PLUS is furthermore to improve the study conditions and to continuously raise the qualitiy of teaching by an extensive development of the curricula. This project is the second funding period of its predecessor LehreForschung. The successfully implemented actions of the first funding period include in particular new lecture concepts in the form of projects and practical courses, which enable early insights into research-relevant questions.
Our subproject comprises the following three actions, which all aim to implement and strengthen project- and research-oriented, as well as interdisciplinary, teaching in the computer science curricula.
Research Project (PdF) in the master curriculum
The integration of PdF in the curriculum is to be rearranged and improved regarding contents and organization, such that PdF forms a clear unit together with the remaining range of courses in the areas of specialisation, and that the so far existing hurdles for participating in PdF will be dismantled.
Software Engineering Practice (PSE) in the bachelor curriculum
Prospective task definitions are to be chosen in such a way that their results will either be used in research projects of the supervising research group or establish foundations for them. Thereby, students are given direct insights into ongoing research projects and, early in their curriculum, they are introduced to topics, methods and problems of current research activities.
Internet and Society (IuG) in the master curriculum
Specifically, a profile "Internet and Society" shall be defined, which forms an additional qualification for graduates. It furthermore certifies to have completed a special orientation with topics in the areas internet/networks, security and privacy etc. and a complementary subject "Technology and Society", as well as to have produced a master thesis in the interdisciplinary area with a suitable problem task.
More information on "LehreForschung-PLUS"
More information on the master module "Research Project"
More information on the bachelor module
"Software Engineering Practice"
More information on the profiles as well as
the profile "Internet and Society"
Name | Title | Phone | Institute | |
Bernhard Beckert | Prof. Dr. | +49 721 608-44025 | beckert1417564845Xfd4∂kit.edu | Theoretical Informatics (ITI) |
Michael Beigl | Prof. Dr. | +49 721 608-41700 | michael.beigl354728666Xfd4∂kit.edu | Telematics (TM) |
Ralf Reussner | Prof. Dr. | +49 721 608-45993 | reussner1578010034Xfd4∂kit.edu | Program Structures and Data Organization (IPD) |
Gregor Snelting | Prof. Dr.-Ing. | +49 721 608-48350 | gregor.snelting120242952Xfd4∂kit.edu | Program Structures and Data Organization (IPD) |
Martina Zitterbart | Prof. Dr. | +49 721 608-46400 | zitterbart1425079275Xfd4∂kit.edu | Telematics (TM) |
Robert Bauer | +49 721 608-46404 | robert.bauer1272959959Xfd4∂kit.edu | Telematics (TM) | |
Michael Kirsten | +49 721 608-45648 | kirsten1471289254Xfd4∂kit.edu | Theoretical Informatics (ITI) | |
Erik Pescara | +49 721 608-41704 | erik.pescara2048465607Xfd4∂kit.edu | Telematics (TM) |
Former Staff
Name | Title | Phone | Institute | |
Matthias Budde | Dr. | +49 721 608-41705 | matthias.budde1118672688Xfd4∂kit.edu | Telematics (TM) |
Sarah Grebing | Dr. | +49 721 608-45253 | sarah.grebing850516795Xfd4∂kit.edu | Theoretical Informatics (ITI) |
Valentin Kautz | +49 721 608-46412 | valentin.kautz1967560849Xfd4∂kit.edu | Telematics (TM) |
More on the idea and conceptual design of the master module Research Project can be found in the following publications:
Problemorientierte, forschungsorientierte und interdisziplinäre Lehre in der Informatik Campustage 2020 „Lehre^Forschung-PLUS“ |
Praxis der Forschung: Eine Lehrveranstaltung des forschungsnahen Lehrens und Lernens in der Informatik am KIT Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre 74, Volume A: Lehren und Lernen, Part 3: Neue Lehr- und Lernkonzepte |
There has been a number of papers published, which are partially or fully covering the student research projects in the master module "Research Poject". They are listed on a separate page.